Monday, 30 June 2014

The biggest pumpkin ever...I think..

My most exciting garden project this season is to grow a pumpkin that I hope will be bigger than me. I got the seeds in spring.

I need a lot of help to make it grow big. First of all I need good weather and lots of sunshine and warmth. I need rain too. 
Henry @henryandfriends came to help me and that was bestist help for me.

Frank and Bonnie can help too. 

I had planted the pumpkin seed in a pot before Henry cam to visits. When he came it was time to plant it in the real soil and all big plants likes to be in the ground and not in a pot. 

Henry is good at writing so he wrote the tag that said pumpkin. It is very useful for a plant to have a tag. It is a bit like a place card at a dinner party. The plants knows where to grow and I can see who they all are if I donĀ“t remember their name. 

After we had checked the little pumpkin and Henry had written the tag, we were ready to plant Pumpkin where she is to live this summer. Assistant had weeded and mulched a little bed for her and Henry and I planted here there. 

Since we planted Pumpkin we have looked well after her and made sure she had enough water. She has grown a bit, but since Henry left the weather has been cool and I am not sure she like that a lot. I am looking after her every day. 

What is left for me to do now is to have tea and biscuit and wait for Pumpkin to grow big. I will keep you informed about the development. 


  1. Oh how exciting!!! I can't wait to see how Big your Pum Kins grows!!!

  2. i finks it wil be growd arfta yoo finnish yor tee an biksit barkly

  3. Maybe pumpkin would like a warming cup of tea? Maybe not - my paws are not at all green! I look forward to hearing about pumpkin's journey...

  4. This is exciting. Elsie and I have a pumpkin that we are growing too. We like to talk to our little pumpkin. Maybe yours would like that too? If it gets very big will you enter it into a contest? Please keep us updated on all developments.

  5. You'll have to enter our Pumpkin Carving contest in October!

  6. I am shure it do be yooge punkin Baklee my yoo will haz punkin soop an punkin pye

  7. I can't wait to see how big the pumkin gets. Are you going to toast the seeds and carve it in October?
